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The cover of my technothriller, A CERTAIN POWER, is a montage of Da Vinci's classic drawing, termed the "Vitruvian Man" on "The Eye of God," the NASA photo taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. They seemed a natural fit: human possibilites within the universe.
Yes, it is similar to the cover of my THE GRAIL CONSPIRACIES. And it should be, as A CERTAIN POWER is a revamping of the ideas in GRAIL.
As I've written elsewhere, my timing wasn't the best for THE GRAIL CONSPIRACIES. I had started work--- actually early research via a visit to La Rochelle, France, which I learned about that time had been the main Atlantic port of the Knights Templar, said to be among the principal Guardians of the Grail. That experience started it, but other projects intervened.
By then, Dan Brown's THE DA VINCI CODE had exploded onto the publishing scene.
Anyway, I've since taken a fresh look, and hence comes A CERTAIN POWER: a Technothriller Exploring Human Possibilities Within the Deeper Grail Quest. I hope you like it.