Just got the new video up on YouTube for JOINING MIRACLES: Navigating the Seas of Intended Synchronicities--Serendipity, Synchronicity, and Self-help.
The video runs about two minutes, and sets the context for what we're addressing in the book.
At the end, you'll find links to the Amazon pages for both JOINING MIRACLES and my new technothriller, A CERTAIN POWER. (Not to give away any plot points, but JOINING MIRACLES plays a role in the story of A CERTAIN POWER.)
See video book trailer for JOINING MIRACLES
By the way, Amazon is running a special free book promotion for JOINING MIRACLES: August 4-6 the kindle version will be free. That's the whole book, not just the usual sampler. Hope you drop by and pick up an e-copy.
Here's the link to the order page on Amazon. However, bear in mind that JOINING MIRACLES will be free only August 4-6. This link will work other days, but the book won't be free!
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