My technothriller, A REMEDY FOR DEATH: Playing God with Body, Soul, and Biotech is in part about using the newest advances in bio-tech and organ regeneration.
Though A REMEDY FOR DEATH is now finished and out in the world, I still keep up with what's happening in the allied fields of genetic engineering, bio-tech, and the creation of artificial organs. It's fascinating--often mind-blowing.
(What, I wonder, would Michael Crichton, a Harvard Medical School graduate and best-selling author of technothrillers, make of these advances in just the four years since he left us?)
3D printing organs uses basically the same methodology now being used for printing other more usual stuff--even guns. The difference is that instead of using plastic materials, here they use human cell tissue.
You'll find the report in several places, though I first came upon it in London's Daily Telegraph (February 5, 2013). Here's the link to that Telegraph article